1BJX系列悬挂中耙主要适用于农田的耕后碎土、播前整地、疏松土壤、土肥混合和轻质土壤的灭茬作业。该机具有结构合理、坚固耐用、使用方便、保养易行,入土碎土能力强,耙后地表平整的特点。 The machine is suitable for pulverizing and loosening clods after plowing and for planning the land before sowing on cultivated land, it can make soil and fertilizer mix up, and clean away the stump of plants. With the reasonable structure, the machine is durable in service, easy to be operated and maintained, the land surface is smooth. Model 1BJ-4.4 with 40 discs folded wing middle-duty disc harrow is suitable for operation on middle and light soil as harrowing instead of plowing, loosening soil before sowing, cleaning residues of crops and weeds. The machine has the merits of high efficiency and reasonable utilization of the power, well ability of crushing soil, working width is wide and transportation width is narrower, etc. It is easy to be mounted and adjusted, reverse freely, and convenient for transportation.